Emotes: $35 - $55
✿ Unshaded emotes are $35, shaded $45, painted $55.
✿ Human emotes can only come unshaded, or shaded.
If you are on a budget, let me know and I can offer "base" emotes!
$100 Merch rights fee is available for emotes, covers any emotes I've made/make for you!
✿ Human emotes can only come unshaded, or shaded.
If you are on a budget, let me know and I can offer "base" emotes!
$100 Merch rights fee is available for emotes, covers any emotes I've made/make for you!
Paint-Overs | $15
Available: Almost any image (some images may be too pixelated)- ask away.
✿ I will make sure your images are cleaner, and clearer for Twitch/Discord/YouTube chat quality!
✿ I will make sure your images are cleaner, and clearer for Twitch/Discord/YouTube chat quality!
To the clients I've worked with: thank you!
_T1im, 1HazelHalo, ABritoArt, AdmiralBahroo, Aeryla, AlexiisHopeless, ArielethePotato, Aelita, Aeonian_Penguin, aestheticaly, Alaric_Crab_Lord, Alaxandar66, alexiaraye, Altruistic, amberli, AmyToni_1, AndreTheStig, Angelise_s, AngelsKimi, Ashleighpshyeah, Ashy, Ashcension, athy_, Atramensia, Austin, Becci_chan, BeccPlays, bee_excellent, BeingRed, BekahKat, Birdy, Bittie, Blinky_plz, BoggleButt, boxbox, brygh, BucketPls, bundlesofjunk, Bwapt, CactusIzzy, Catberyn, cazsevenfold, Cece, Cesela, chelitopower, chewygranolabear, Chey, Cheylily, Chezzyismoe, chiblee, Cleanbandit, comfypoosh, corralitro, Courtneh_xo, CreeCyan, Creothina, CrossfitCupcake, cryyfuu, cvriie, CyanidePlaysGames, Dacchei, Dactyly, Dampay, daysthegamer, DCLara1, dionysusdamsel, dissociable_, DizzyKitten, DoofyDerpGaming, Domosawruss, Dusk4e, eeveejessica, Eglorian, eirikachu, ElanaBolen, Elerica_, EllieTV_, Eluie, Empyre, EngeliHeart, ENVYtheELITIST, erdgott2102, ericfhuber, erin_m_coe, Etelngj, ewica, Expendablewolf, Externalizable, favion, Faye, Femennenly, Finn128, flutten, FpsWave_, franskiss, FreakingBeep, Gaijin_Shinobi, Gewnar, Ghost, goat_in_plaid, GodfallArt, GraphicKaz, GreenMonsterChasingInsom, h3h3productions, hailly, HappyMuffinn, Heaven, heysamuel, Hh_hyperiun, Huahwi, HusterBluster, IcyRayne, ieonkno, iheartdinosx3, imrichieee, intlprotests, Invisibleapple, ipetdoge, ItsKiela, J_E_N_6A, Jakeyosaurus, jeejenn, Jemyni, jennaceee, Jennasis, Jessixa, jessxnini, Jexxca, Kaciedilla, kaonicks, KatDell, KatyRose9, KayexLIVE, kimberrleigh, kinganii, Klayre_, KonaChocolate, koopah, Korunka, Kotharion, Kreezot, krevioli, LadyGamePlay, LadyKay, LapisViper, lately1, LEAGUEOFLEXIE, Lemyawn, LeppyV, LilGumi, lilpoogi, logna, lolrch, LoomiHoomi, LordBabble, lovelyqueeniee, Luigi2G, luminum1, MandaRN, mar1naPug, Marielitai, Maty, maxeatsbacon, MidwesternRedhead, MikiePop, mizuchaan, MopGarden, MrRapolas, MrsAsians, Muphinnz, MysticalChill, nalmutairixx, Nekkoception, NeonLightz, neurofourier, Nicotinegamer, niennx, nikkihoffman408, Nomelet, NosyGlider, notfoxi, NotPix, Novie, NoxLumos, Nyzechu, ohfreyah, ohshweetie, OriginalGshows, OzzyOzrock, p3ggz, paeshyy, Pandadoll, Paperkat_TV, Periks, Pharah, PhotoChess, Pirupuri, Poofychan, Prambelina, Prev, Preziosa, Puppers, PurpleSky18, Purringles, RagePandaPajamas, Remi, rinthedoodlebot, RobbehUK, RosieRiver, Sabeth, saekari, saiige_, SaucyBruhh, SchviftyFive, secretsquirrel, SenpaiRosewing, Serfbort, ShaMedia, Sharon, shepiu, shnacks_, shpitzluluped, SilentScale, SkittleFarts91, Snewpii, So_Groovy, SoniStephano, solacee_ao, SooYunnie, SpaceDuck90, Sploo00oosh, Spminun, Sturmsies, SUNEIKU, SuperNamu, sweaty_tacos, TacoGodDre, taykeela, teensy, Tentanman, ThatFedoraGuy, ThatGuyNoodle, ThatRenGuy, thatToccata, TheCheshireCat, The_Foolish_Fool_, TheGoof, TheLadyFriend1, tiny, ToggleSwitch, TopsyTurvy12, treehousepie, TweaK, TwistyKris, typiicaltori, UmiNoKaiju, Vaneska, Vespher, vivithai13, waterlynn, Weirdguywithaguitar, whskrs, WiggleBaby, xDarleeng, xKyvie, Xoruyy, xosquigglesxo, xReags, yougelly, Yunnicorn, zeyleth, zlPoints, zombiedrea.